DBT Skills Group for Partners and Families

Relationships are one of the biggest indicators of mental wellness. Emotion regulation and interpersonal challenges impact both the person experiencing them, and also their partners and families. Strong emotions and impulses affect relationships with loved ones in a number of ways and although family members and partners can benefit from support relatively few professionals include them in the treatment process. As enduring relationships are important to help people with emotion regulation and personality difficulties, those in relationships with them need strategies and support, too.

Where and When

This group runs on Saturdays and meets for eight consecutive weeks from 10:00am to 12pm online via Zoom. The next entry point is yet to be scheduled. Please contact us to express interest or sign up.

What is the DBT Skills Group for Partners and Families?

It is an 8-week skills-based group programme meeting weekly for two hours to provide education, skills training and support to people who are in a relationship with someone who struggles with emotion regulation and/or was given the diagnosis of BPD/EUPD. Focusing on issues that are specific to emotion dysregulation, this group is led by trained DBT clinicians with a wealth of experience. This programme will provide you with: current understanding on emotion dysregulation and BPD, individual coping skills based on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, and family and relationship skills. It is also an opportunity to connect with and learn from others in similar circumstances.

Who should join?

This group is suitable for parents, spouses/partners, children, siblings or friends of someone with BPD or emotion regulation and personality difficulties who are willing to:

  • Improve their relationships
  • Consider how their behaviour contributes to negative interpersonal cycles with their loved ones
  • Practice the newly learnt new skills (both in sessions and in daily life) and tolerate the initial discomfort it might bring
  • To attend all classes
  • To gain new knowledge and skills and create a toolkit for a more skilful, balanced life.

What will the focus be?

  • Psycho-education on emotion dysregulation and BPD
  • Relationship and mindfulness skills
  • Balancing your needs with the needs of your loved one
  • Emotion regulation skills
  • Creating non-blaming communication culture in your family
  • Distress tolerance and individual coping skills
  • Observing your limits during dysregulation and crisis
  • Effective communication skills
  • Validation skills
  • Problem management skills


The fee is £680 per person (£85 x 8 weekly sessions) or £960 per two family members attending at the same time (£120 x 8 weekly sessions). To reserve the place 50% of the full fee must be paid at the time of booking which is non-refundable. The remaining part of the fee is due a week before the official start date. It is only possible to commit to the full course and the fees are payable for each of the sessions. This includes sessions that are not attended, missed or cancelled.