DBT Team – UK

We are a team of independent DBT therapists from diverse clinical backgrounds coming together to deliver the comprehensive DBT programme as developed by Dr Marsha Linehan. We set up in 2015 and have supported over 500 clients since then. We share Dr Linehan’s vision to make compassionate and scientifically valid treatments available to people with complex emotional difficulties.

We are one of a few DBT teams in the UK led by people who received expert supervision in DBT directly from the original clinicians and researchers affiliated with the Behavioral Tech Institute founded by Marsha Linehan. Our service specialises in the assessment and treatment of people with a history of emotion dysregulation, trauma, impulsivity, unstable relationships, self-harm, dissociation, anxiety, chronic shame, guilt and disgust and feelings of emptiness, also in the wider context of living with ADHD and autism.

We work with people who experience difficulties described in medical circles with the diagnoses such as “borderline personality disorder”, “emotionally unstable personality disorder” or “complex post-traumatic stress disorder”. Treatment involves individual therapy, DBT skills group and access to phone skills coaching. To find out more about our DBT programme please visit the DBT Programme section.

Why you can trust our team’s work

  • Each of our team members have substantive years of clinical experience within specialist NHS services supporting individuals with severe emotion regulation difficulties and those who were given the BPD/EUPD diagnosis (between 8 and 20 years). To find out more about our team members please visit the About us section.
  • Our education was with licensed providers of DBT training approved by the Linehan Institute Behavioral Tech and most of us also studied DBT at post-graduate level with Bangor University.
  • As we understand that many of our clients have been subjected to traumatic and invalidating early experiences, we are committed to offering trauma-informed support. In addition to being well-versed in standard DBT, our team also trained in DBT and other approaches for complex post-traumatic stress.
  • We operate as a DBT Consultation Team of intensively trained therapists which means that we meet weekly to discuss and improve the effectiveness of our work with you.
  • We all have been supervised by an expert DBT clinician approved by the Linehan Institute or a DBT supervisor accredited with the Society for DBT in the UK. This entailed having our therapy sessions listened to and scored for adherence (i.e. how closely we follow the DBT model) by a senior DBT clinician.
  • Our comprehensive programme comprises of the following four components, as set out in Linehan’s DBT model: individual therapy, weekly DBT skills group, phone coaching and consultation team.

Please note that DBT was not designed to be provided by sole practitioners but by teams. When looking for a suitable DBT support do not assume that you are getting the comprehensive 4-part programme or an intensively trained DBT therapist solely because the name DBT is emphasised. You can, and should, ask questions to ensure you are partnering with an appropriately trained and experienced DBT provider.